Our first aid feedback is fantastic and we're delighted to share it with you!
If you don't already know, we run a range of first aid sessions. This includes a Level 2 Basic Life Saving Skills (half day), Level 3 Emergency First Aid (one day), Level 3 First Aid at Work (3 day) and First Aid for Trades (half - one day).
Creating the right environment
We work hard on our first aid sessions (well, all of our sessions) to create a professional and friendly learning environment. Delegates can feel apprehensive about demonstrating the practical skills required for first aid and they are mindful of being assessed throughout the session to ensure that they meet the learning requirements. This means we have to set the tone by providing confidence to delegates and establishing a comfortable learning environment.
Investing in the kit
Before we delivered our first training sessions, we made a big investment in the kit to help support the delivery of our training. That means a whole load of bandages, fake cuts and severed fingers....seriously though, we invested in defibrillator simulation training aids, high quality mannikins, supporting handbooks, quiz cards and more. We wanted to give delegates the best experience possible.
If you are interested in first aid training, get in touch via admin@createsafe.co.uk or visit createsafe.co.uk/training